Welcome to Bakers Dozen San Francisco

Stenciled Buttercream Cake Decorating Workshop

  • March 07, 2015
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • 84 Juanita Way, San Francisco, CA 94127


  • Observers will not participate bu get the printed material.

Registration is closed
HANDS ON SOLD OUT: email to get on waiting list
still openings for observers, see registration below

Stenciled Buttercream Cake Decorating workshop
(or waxed paper is a baker’s best friend part 1)
for Bakers Dozen Members Only

Learn the art of creating shapes, logos*, letters and other designs using buttercream and hand-made stencils. This technique I created 25 years ago will allow you to create the clean lines of letters, shapes, logos, graphic designs, etc. without using heavy layers of fondant. Color matching is achievable such that people can’t tell if it’s a cake or printed picture. Everyone will go home with an 8”cake they decorated using this technique.

To see examples of the technique, check out my (old) website’s Look-a-like cakes gallery starting at http://www.cafe-arc-de-larctique.com/lookalike2.htm (click the right arrow to see the rest of the pages). Not all the cakes shown required stencils but most of them did. In addition, here is a logo from the SF SPCA I created on a cake for them.

SOLD OUT $60 includes Recipes, Printed directions and verbal training plus the cake they will decorate and take home.

$25 Observers will get the printed material.

Everyone should bring their own lunch and beverage of choice.

*Issues with when you can and can’t use registered logos/pictures will be discussed during the workshop.

Warning: Cats are in the house, but not in the kitchen. If you are highly allergic, you might not be comfortable.

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