Welcome to Bakers Dozen San Francisco

Cook's Illustrated March 2023

  • March 30, 2023
  • 9:45 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Zoom


  • This is open to members only

Registration is closed

Announcing the March 30th

Bakers Dozen Special Interest Group Gathering

to Discuss “Cook’s Illustrated” Magazine

Are you an avid reader of this bi-monthly magazine? Perhaps you’re a subscriber. Or maybe you occasionally pick up an issue when the spirit—or the cover—moves you.

Because Bakers Dozen can’t consistently meet and share ideas together in person, we’ve embarked on this pilot project, a Special Interest Group designed to support the continuing education of our members who read and bake from “Cook’s Illustrated” magazine.

The first three meetings of this Special Interest Group have been terrifically successful with about 20 members attending via Zoom each time. We’ll meet again on Thursday, March 30th to discuss the delights—and any landmines—encountered when preparing the March/April issue’s baking-related recipes. This issue is on newsstands now.

If possible before we meet, please try to bake at least one recipe from the current issue so we can compare notes. But it’s absolutely not required that you bake any of these recipes in order to participate in the Zoom gathering—we end up talking about myriad other baking conundrums and challenges as well as comparing brands of ingredients, etc.

The March/April issue features the following baking-related recipes which you might like to prepare before March 30th

p. 4 Matzo Ball Soup

p. 22 Ramadan’s Sweetest Treat

p. 31 Savory Corn Muffins

Bakers Dozen Board members, Rose Gillen, professional baker, and Jeanne Sauvage, gluten-free baking cookbook author, will serve as our moderators.

This program is open to members only. RSVP by FridayMarch 24. The Zoom link for the meeting will be sent to all who register. Please note this program will not be recorded.

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